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On Best of BeLive with Ross and Rachel (TUES, 8pm ET), we welcome Jim Collison of TheAverageGuy.tv.
Jim has experience doing several remote livestreams each year and will share tips on how the average person can broadcast via BeLive with a laptop or phone, without needing a big production team or a super fancy setup.
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Guest: Jim Collison of TheAverageGuy.TV
Hosts: Ross Brand and Rachel Moore
Sponsor: BeLive TV
Originally broadcast on the BeLive TV Facebook Page (689 views, 74 comments)
Host of Home Gadget Geeks and Cyber Frontiers on The Average Guy Podcast Network.
Hubilo Senior Director
Rachel Moore is currently the senior director of social & broadcast media at Hubilo. Along with Ross Brand, she co-hosted Best of BeLive with Ross & Rachel. The show was sponsored by BeLive TV and was livestreamed to the BeLive Facebook Page every Tuesday at 8pm ET. They hosted 46 episodes in 2017 and 2018.