Sept. 6, 2018

The Power of Social Media

The Power of Social Media

Ross Brand with your Livestream Universe Update for Thursday, September 6th, 2018.

A couple of must-see replays to start us off:

Chris Strub was a guest on BradsLive with Brad Friedman yesterday. He talked about live streaming for nonprofits, his drive for 10k followers on Instagram and the power of social media. View on The Friedman Group Facebook page.

Also, check out Kim Doyal’s recent livestream with James Rose full of great productivity tips. That’s on The Kim Doyal Facebook page.

On today’s viewing schedule…

At 9pm ET — It’s Home Gadget Geeks with Jim Collison. View at

At 10pm ET, Christian Karasiewicz and Mike Gingerich host Social Chatter. They’ll be joined by Lindsey Margolis. Watch on the Social Chefs Facebook page.

For, I’m Ross Brand. Have a great day!

The post The Power of Social Media (Update Ep114) appeared first on Livestream Universe.