Feb. 22, 2016

Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality with Kim Reynolds

Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality with Kim Reynolds

Episode 12 of Livestream Stars with Ross Brand of Livestream Universe.

Subscribe to the podcast: https://rossbrandrecordings.com.

Kimberly Reynolds is Marketing Manager at Social Media Examiner and co-host of Social Media Marketing Talk on Huzza (Fridays at 11am ET). She is the CEO of SocialNotz, a full service boutique social media agency focused on social media and digital marketing for the movie, entertainment and other industries.

Kimberly helps companies create dynamic social media campaigns and optimize their digital and social presence. She also provides training on social media marketing.

Kimberly has an MBA from California State University. She is currently featured in “behind the scenes” videos showcasing the San Diego area, where Social Media Marketing World is held.

Show Topics

  • First impressions of Anchor.fm, the new audio social media app
  • Virtual reality vs augmented reality
  • The future of Blab
  • Which social networks could lose out with so many choices?
  • Will Twitter rebound?
  • How Facebook continues to add new features
  • Recommendations for productivity apps
  • Kimberly talks about how she uses different social media platforms